The benefits Stornoway wind farm will bring to the local community and wider Western Isles economy is significant.
LWP has been working with the Stornoway Trust and the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar to progress renewable energy development on Lewis since 2003.
To date LWP has invested some £12m in the development of the Stornoway Wind Farm Project. This is in addition to significant funding to local projects and initiatives - such as Lewis Camanachd, the Lochs Show and continued sponsorship of the annual HebCelt Festival.
The project itself will also bring new opportunities for local people, including:
- Community Ownership: up to 20% of the Stornoway Wind to be community owned.
- Community Benefit: annual payment of £5,000 (index linked) per megawatt over the lifetime of the project from the point of operation - up to £1million annually from Stornoway wind farm
- Local Suppliers: Lewis Wind Power has committed to using a contracting strategy for building the wind farm that will maximise the potential for the use of local suppliers and facilities during the construction phase of the wind farm. For those interested in working with us on the project, contact the EDF Renewables team here to register to your interest.
- Rental Payments: Stornoway Wind Farm would be sited on the Stornoway Trust Estate and pay an annual commercial rent to the Trust for the land required by the project. LWP would also make payments to each of the grazings on which the wind farm would be built, with these subject to approval by the Scottish Land Court.
- Delivery of the Interconnector: No further onshore wind development can take place on Lewis until the new interconnector to the mainland has been built as the electricity network is at full capacity. This will enable further investment in the island and wouldn't have been possible without Stornoway wind farm's plans and success in the Contracts for Difference round in 2022